GRI 206: Anti-competitive behaviour

GRI 103: Management approach (103-1, 103-2, 103-3)

Details on the management approach are provided under section Compliance.

GRI 206-1: Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

No new, relevant legal proceedings on anti-competitive behaviour or breaches of anti-trust and monopoly law were brought against Alpiq in the reporting year.

On 31 December 2020 two legal proceedings were still pending against Alpiq based on alleged anti-competitive behaviour. In 2012, the Romanian competition authority launched investigations on the energy market. These investigations resulted in legal cases against two Romanian subsidiaries of Alpiq. The two subsidiaries are accused of breaching Romanian competition law together with nine other traders / suppliers (horizontal agreement by agreeing to certain aspects in long-term contracts and vertical foreclosure of the market via the existence of 11 long-term contracts). At the start of January 2016, the plenum of the competition authority imposed a fine totalling RON 21,815,847 (approx. CHF 4.8 million) on the two Romanian subsidiaries of Alpiq. Alpiq denies any breach of Romanian competition law in both proceedings.