Environmental dimension

GRI 305: Emissions

GRI 103: Management approach (103-1, 103-2, 103-3)


As part of the Paris Climate Agreement, the international community agreed to completely eliminate the use of fossil fuels in power production by 2050. Alpiq will contribute to the achievement of this goal, because protecting the climate is an integral part of the company's purpose. Therefore Alpiq is extensively turning to environmentally sound energy generation, including CO2-free and climate-friendly power production in Switzerland. Environmental protection and air pollution control play a crucial role in the construction of our power plants, as Alpiq is taking effective measures to reduce emissions in every project.

Alpiq is aware that flexibility is becoming ever more important as the market penetration of new renewable power production continues to improve. As a result, efficient and highly flexible gas-fired combined-cycle power plants are required to maintain security of supply wherever there is a lack of hydro storage power plants – which is currently the case in most European countries. Alpiq operates these kinds of power plants. The associated emissions are duly reported.

Management approach and assessment

Monitoring and reducing the ecological effects of energy generation in thermal power plants are a top priority for Alpiq. In light of the increasingly decarbonised and decentralised energy world, in August 2019 Alpiq resolved to sell its coal-fired power plants in Czechia (Kladno and Zlín), which enabled Alpiq to reduce the CO2 emissions of its power plant portfolio by more than 60 %. Alpiq has since no longer operated any coal-fired power plants.

One of the system tools that Alpiq introduced to monitor and reduce the ecological effects of its thermal power plants is a management system based on the standard ISO 14001, which is in addition complemented by the EMAS environmental management certification in some cases. All Alpiq’s gas-fired combined-cycle power plants are certified in line with ISO 14001.

Both ISO 14001 and EMAS are focused on monitoring environmental indicators to assess the ecological performance and on conducting audits to check the conformity and improvement of ecological processes. Both programmes strive to continuously reduce pollution.

GRI 305-1: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
GRI 305-2: Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
GRI 305-3: Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

in tons of CO 2 -equivalents



Scope 1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions



Gas-fired combined-cycle power plants



Coal-fired power plants



Administrative buildings in Switzerland owned by Alpiq 1



Total Scope 1






Scope 2: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions



Energy procurement for standby operation of gas-fired combined-cycle power plants 2



Pump energy for pumped storage power plants (partner power plants) 2 3 4



Power consumption by the administrative buildings in Switzerland owned by Alpiq



Total Scope 2






Scope 3: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions



Pump energy for pumped storage power plants 2 3 5



Total Scope 3






1 Oil and gas heaters

2 Calculations based on country-specific supplier mix

3 The values are based on the procurement of energy by Alpiq

4 Partner power plants with majority shareholdings

5 Partner power plants with minority shareholdings

GRI 305-7: Nitrogen oxides

The nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) are measured online in all gas-fired combined-cycle power plants. Emissions primarily depend on the production of electricity and steam, which can fluctuate depending on market conditions or customer requirements. Alpiq is continuously upgrading its power plants. In doing so, the company makes use of the best available technology, including dry-low NOx installations in order to reduce NOx emissions and thus protect the environment. Alpiq meets or surpasses all European and local environmental requirements for gas-fired combined-cycle power plants.

NOx in tons



Gas-fired combined-cycle power plants