The organisation and its reporting practices
GRI 2-1: Organisational details
The publisher of this sustainability report is Alpiq Holding Ltd. The headquarters are located at Ch. de Mornex 10, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Alpiqʼs roots are in Switzerland. The head office of the parent company Alpiq Holding Ltd. is in Lausanne; other key locations in Switzerland are Olten and Sion. Alpiq operates its own power plants in Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain and Hungary. You will find an overview of the countries in which Alpiq is active in the section ‘About us’ in the Alpiq Holding Ltd. Annual Report 2023.
GRI 2-2: Entities included in the organisationʼs sustainability reporting
The basis for this report is the list of significant group companies and investments as presented in the consolidated financial statements of the Annual Report 2023. To relate the emitted greenhouse gas to power production, minority interests were also included in the greenhouse gas calculation (“GRI 305: Emissions”).
GRI 2-3: Reporting period, frequency, and contact point
The sustainability report 2023 relates to the reporting year 2023 of Alpiq Holding Ltd.: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. The report is prepared annually. The Sustainability Report 2022 was published on 30 June 2023. If you have questions about this report, please contact the Alpiq media office at or +41 62 286 71 10.
GRI 2-4: Restatements of information
Any changes to the organisation are presented in the Alpiq Holding Ltd. Annual Report 2023. In this report the new GRI methodology (2021) has been taken into account where possible.
GRI 2-5: External assurance
The sustainability report 2023 of Alpiq Holding Ltd. is not subject to an external audit, but the GHG emissions calculation and declaration were subjected to an external consistency check by an expert company (Amstein + Walthert AG).