GRI Index




GHG emissions overview





GRI 103: Management approach

Access to capital


GRI 201: Economic performance

Economic performance

GRI 206: Anti-competitive behaviour

Anti-corruption and fair competition

GRI 2-1: Organisational details

Organisation & reporting practices

GRI 2-10: Nomination and selection of the highest governance body


GRI 2-11: Chair of the highest governance body


GRI 2-12: Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts


GRI 2-13: Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts


GRI 2-14: Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting


GRI 2-15: Conflicts of interest


GRI 2-16: Communication of critical concerns


GRI 2-17: Collective knowledge of the highest governance body


GRI 2-18: Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body


GRI 2-19: Remuneration policies


GRI 2-2: Entities included

Organisation & reporting practices

GRI 2-20: Process to determine remuneration


GRI 2-21: Annual total compensation ratio


GRI 2-22: Statement on sustainable development strategy

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2-23: Policy commitments

Strategy, policies and practices

Anti-corruption and fair competition

GRI 2-24: Embedding policy commitments

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2-25: Processes to remediate negative impacts

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2-26: Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2-27: Compliance with laws and regulations

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2-28: Membership associations

Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2-29: Approach to stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement

GRI 2-3: Reporting period, frequency, and contact point

Organisation & reporting practices

GRI 2-30: Collective bargaining agreements

Stakeholder engagement

GRI 2-4: Restatements of information

Organisation & reporting practices

GRI 2-5: External assurance

Organisation & reporting practices

GRI 2-6: Activities, value chain, and other business relationships

Alpiq's business model

GRI 2-7: Employees

Employees and workers

GRI 2-8: Workers who are not employees

Employees and workers

GRI 2-9: Governance structure and composition





GRI 305-1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1)

Reducing our climate impact by reducing emissions


Thermal assets


GRI 305-2: Energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2)

Reducing our climate impact by reducing emissions

Thermal assets


GRI 305-3: Energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)

Reducing our climate impact by reducing emissions

Thermal assets


GRI 305-4: Greenhouse gas emissions intensity

Reducing our climate impact by reducing emissions

Thermal assets


GRI 305-7: Nitrogen oxides

Reducing our climate impact by reducing emissions

Thermal assets


GRI 3-3: Management of material topics

Nurturing life on land and in water

Alpiq's sustainability focus

Corporate Culture

Customer privacy

Security of supply

Access to capital


Renewable energy sources (RES) assets

Crisis response and business continuity




GRI 403-1: Occupational health and safety management system

Occupational health & safety


GRI 403-2: Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation

Occupational health & safety

GRI 403-3: Occupational health services

Occupational health & safety

GRI 403-5: Employee training on occupational health and safety

Occupational health & safety

GRI 403-7: Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety implications directly related to business relationships

Occupational health & safety

GRI 403-8: Employees covered by a management system for occupational health and safety

Occupational health & safety

GRI 403-9: Work-related incidents

Occupational health & safety

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity

Corporate Culture

GRI 405-1: Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Diversity & inclusion

GRI 405-2: Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

Diversity & inclusion

GRI 408: Child labor

Conflict Minerals & Child Labour

GRI 418-1: Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

Customer privacy


Nuclear: Radiation exposure


RBI Index







Air pollution

Energy management that works for nature




Biodiversity and land & resource use

Nurturing life on land and in water

Business model

Alpiq's business model

Child labour

Child labour & Conflict minerals

Consolidated reporting

Organisation & reporting practices

Gender equality

Diversity and inclusion

GHG Emissions (CO2-targets)


Granting of an undue advantage & Bribery

Anti-corruption and fair competition

Strategy, policies and practices

Health & Safety

Occupational health and safety

Human health & safety


Materiality assessment

Alpiq's sustainability focus

Materials and metals

Child labour & Conflict minerals

Protection of Stakeholders and Social Dialogue

Stakeholder engagement

Respect for human rights

Strategy, policies and practices

Respect for the right of workers to be informed and consulted

Energy management that works for people

Corporate culture

Strategy, policies and practices

Respect for union rights

Stakeholder engagement

Use of renewable /non-renewable energy

Renewable energy sources (RES) assets


Working conditions

Energy management that works for people

Corporate culture