Alpiq’s sustainability focus
(GRI 3-3)
Two years ago, Alpiq analysed the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on which it has the greatest impact and identified the following five:

To determine Alpiqʼs material economic, environmental and social topics, an approach based on the “double materiality” of impacts and related topics was chosen. This means that Alpiqʼs potentially negative and positive impact on economic, environmental and social topics (inside-out view) was taken into account. Likewise, the impact of these topics and climate change on Alpiq and its business (outside-in view, financial impact) were considered.
The 13 economic, environmental and social topics chosen, each of which is linked to one or more of our five SDGs, are presented in the figure below. They form the basis for the scope of the information presented in this fourth Alpiq Sustainability Report. In addition to the identified material topics, the report addresses the issue of due diligence in the supply chain in relation to “Conflict Minerals” and “Child Labour” as required by the new Swiss RBI regulations.
Alpiq has prepared this Sustainability Report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) core option. As in previous years, the 2023 report is limited to the fully consolidated units of the Alpiq Group. An exception is made in the disclosure of emissions: the emissions are calculated on the basis of Alpiqʼs electricity production – as reported in the Annual Report –which relies on the energy procurement rights for the individual assets.
Another exception is the topic of nuclear energy. Alpiq holds only minority shareholdings in Swiss nuclear power plant companies. However, because the topics of security and nuclear waste are important to the Alpiq Group, the issue of nuclear power plants is covered again.