Child labour and conflict minerals

Child labour
Alpiq falls within the scope of child labour regulation as it cannot exclude the procurement of goods and services which may be used for the production of energy from countries which the Childrenʼs Rights in the Workplace Index qualifies as basic. Alpiq understands that child labour is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to their physical or mental development, also by interfering with their education.
The main good that Alpiq produces is electricity in its own power plants. In the production itself, there is little to no risk for Alpiq with regards to child labour given the geographical nature of its power plants. There is a residual risk as described in the ILO-IOE Child Labour Guidance Tool for Business. This can be described as follows: Alpiq neither causes nor contributes to a child labour impact, but there may be an impact linked to the generation of electricity caused by a supplier of goods to Alpiq which are needed for the production of electricity. Alpiq adheres to the principles stipulated in its Code of Conduct for Suppliers, endeavours to enforce them in its supply chain and intends to review its Code of Conduct for Suppliers and the associated risk assessment throughout 2024.
Our new Code of Conduct, which was published in the fourth quarter of 2023, stipulates that Alpiq adheres to the International Labour Organization Principles, which include the prohibition of child labour. All employees are trained with regards to the Code of Conduct. Given that the new Code of Conduct was rolled out in the fourth quarter of 2023, Alpiq plans to train all its employees on it by means of in-person sessions in the first two quarters of 2024.
Furthermore, Alpiq intends to further strengthen its supply chain risk management, plans to review its process including the traceability over the year of 2024, and will continue to model its approach on common market practice. Alpiq continues to further strengthen and develop its ESG framework including child labour regulation.
Alpiq operates a whistleblowing tool, accessible via our homepage, which allows for reports to be raised with Compliance including any perceived and actual shortcomings around child labour. As stipulated, any perceived shortcoming can be raised by employees and/or any member of the public and will be investigated independently.
Conflict minerals
Alpiq is exempt from disclosing information related to minerals and metals in accordance with the applicable regulations. Alpiq does not import or refine any minerals and metals which fall into the scope of the applicable regulations.